Stofnun Vilhjálms Stefánssonar hlýtur styrki frá Evrópusambandinu til þverfaglegra rannsókna á áhrifum mengunar og loftslagsbreytinga og aðlögunar- og mótvægisaðgerðum í sjávarbyggðum á norðurslóðum

Stofnun Vilhjálms Stefánssonar tekur þátt í tveimur alþjóðlegum vettvangsmiðuðum rannsóknarverkefnum um mengun og loftslagsbreytingar á norðurslóðum með áherslu á að auka innsýn í samfélagsleg áhrif og áskoranir tengdar umhverfisbreytingum.

Ný grein: Recent Ventures in Interdisciplinary Arctic Research: The ARCPATH Project

This paper celebrates Professor Yongqi GAO’s significant achievements in the field of interdisciplinary studies within the content of his final research project Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient Sustainable Societies - ARCPATH ( The disciplines represented in the project are related to climatology, anthropology, marine biology, economics, and the broad spectrum of social-ecological studies.

Áform um samruna Stofnunar Vilhjálms Stefánssonar og Háskólans á Akureyri í samráðsgátt

Umhverfis-, orku- og loftslagsráðuneytið hefur birt í Samráðsgátt stjórnvalda áform um að Stofnun Vilhjálms Stefánssonar verði hluti af Háskólanum á Akureyri

Ný grein: Exploring social media as a tool for disentangling cultural ecosystem service values of whale watching to inform environmental judgements and ethics: the case of Húsavík, Iceland

Eftir: Sílvia Gómez, Beatriz Patraca, Jade Zoghbi, Eduard Ariza, Maria Wilke, Níels Einarsson (SAI), Sveinbjörg Smáradóttir (SAI), Edward Huijbens & Catherine Chambers (SAI). This explorative study contributes to developing methods using social media data and social network theory in tourism studies to unravel cultural ecosystem values. Focused on the case of an emblematic village for whale-watching activity, Húsavík, in Skjálfandi Bay, Iceland, this study explores the cultural ecosystem service values of individuals as expressed through social media (TripAdvisor and Instagram) related to the practice of whale-watching. The aim is to document the cultural ecosystem service values and environmental judgements which provide information that could be used in future marine planning efforts.