New Edition of an Article by Níels Einarsson Published in French

A new edition of an article by Níels Einarsson, originally published in 1990 in Maritime Anthropological Studies, has now been published with new foreword in French translation in Vertigo - a journal devoted to environmental sciences. The article, originally titled "Of Seals and Souls: Changes in the position of seals in the world-view of Icelandic small-scale fishermen" discusses changes in attitudes towards seals among Icelandic small-scale fishermen from an anthropological perspective (Einarsson, N. (1990), Of seals and souls: Changes in the position of seals in the world-view of Icelandic small-scale fishermen, Maritime Anthropological Studies, 3, 2, pp. 35-48).

The new edition can be accessed here: Niels Einarsson, « Des phoques et des âmes, évolution de la place des phoques dans la vision du monde des pêcheurs artisans pêcheurs islandais », VertigO - la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement [En ligne], Volume 23 Numéro 3 | Décembre 2023, mis en ligne le 03 juin 2024, consulté le 30 septembre 2024. URL :