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AHDR - Arctic Human Development Report

The secretariat of AHDR and ASI is located at the Stefansson Arctic Institute

Publisher: Nordic Council of Ministers

Project manager: Joan Nymand Larsen (

Arctic Human Development Report (2004 & 2014)

Published in 2004 by the SAI under the auspices of the Arctic Council, the inaugural AHDR is the first comprehensive assessment of human well-being covering the entire Arctic region and serves as a baseline instrument for assessing Arctic futures. Based on contributions by 90 scientists, the AHDR portrays the state and trends of development covering the topics of demography, societies and cultures, resource governance, community viability, health and well-being, education, gender relations, international relations, and economic, political and legal systems.

Editors: Joan Nymand Larsen, Peter Schweitzer & Gail Fondahl


The second Arctic Human Development Report: Regional Processes and Global Linkages (AHDR II) was published in the TemaNord series of the Nordic Council of Ministers, in 2014. Providing an update to the first AHDR, this report identifies the major trends and rapid changes unfolding in the first decade of the 21st century, while highlighting variance as well as commonalities within the Arctic, regional processes and global connections, policy-relevant conclusions, key gaps in knowledge, and new and emerging Arctic success stories as well as challenges.

Editors: Joan Nymand Larsen and Gail Fondahl

Arctic Social Indicators (ASI) 2010 & 2014

The goal of the Arctic Social Indicators (ASI) project, an AHDR follow-up activity of a multidisciplinary working group and endorsed by the Arctic Council and the International Polar Year Joint Committee, is to design and implement a system for monitoring changes in human development in the Arctic.

The first ASI report (ASI-I, 2010) presents construction and discussion of indicators within six identified domains: Health and Population, Material Well-Being, Education, Cultural Well-Being, Contact with Nature, and Fate Control.

Editors: Joan Nymand Larsen, Peter Schweitzer & Gail Fondahl

Publisher: Nordic Council of Ministers 2010.

Click here for the pdf file of the report.
Click here for the cover of the report.



The second report, Arctic Social Indicators: ASI II: Implementation, constitutes testing, validating and refining ASI-I devised indicators, including their select application as case studies on Sakha Republic, The Northwest Territories, West-Nordic Region, Inuit regions of Alaska, and, with Survey og Living Conditions in the Arctic (SliCA) data, the Inuit world.

Editors: Joan Nymand Larsen, Peter Schweitzer and Andrey Petrov

Publisher: Nordic Council of Ministers, 2014
Printed reports available: contact