A University Without Walls
Bringing Together the Shared Voices of the Circumpolar World
The Stefansson Arctic Institute is an associated center of and holds a seat in the Interim Council of the University of the Arctic. The Institute also holds the position chair on the team for developing the University's Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies Program.The University of the Arctic is the future of higher education in the emerging circumpolar region. Designed to meet the needs of northern peoples as they face the challenges of a rapidly globalizing world, the University is a partnership of academic institutions, indigenous peoples' organizations and the Arctic states. The University is adopting an innovative approach to make northern education relevant and accessible to all northerners, by:
• sharing knowledge among northerners to face the challenges of regional sustainability
• harmonizing learning systems of traditional and scientific knowledge
• integrating multiple disciplines to investigate contemporary issues in the region from a comprehensive perspective
• combining classroom, mobility and distance learning methods to overcome barriers to education in the north
• providing the knowledge and tools for northerners to meet the responsibilities of northern autonomy.